DARI PADI UNTUK PADI (Pupuk Biosilika dari Limbah Sekam Padi untuk Pertumbuhan Padi)

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Wahyu Elmiany
Sherly Towolioe
Asma Ainuddin
Ida Ayu Suci


Gramineae plants are accumulators of silica that require this compound to grow, develop and produce products. However, every year the silica content of the soil decreases because silica does not have a cycle. Farmers have not used much silica fertilizer because they are not yet aware of the role of silica fertilizer and the price of silica fertilizer is relatively expensive. It is necessary to develop a more economical method of making silica fertilizer by finding cheap or even free raw materials. One source that contains a lot of silica in nature is rice husk. In this study, silica extraction was carried out using the sol gel method and characterized by X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) and analysis of water content to achieve the Persyaratan Teknis Minimum (PTM) quality. The results of the XRF analysis showed that the addition of biosilica fertilizer to the soil increased the silica content to 65.36% (F1); 69.33% (F2), and 69.52% (F3) and the results of the water content analysis for silica fertilizer averaged 4.67%. The results of these analyses have met PTM Number 209/Kpts/SR.320/3/2018. The effect of giving biosilica fertilizer can also be seen in the growth of rice stem length which can be seen from the second day of planting rice seedlings. Until the 18th day, the difference in the length of rice stems given rice husk biosilica fertilizer (F1) which is 74 cm with no fertilizer (F0) which is 53.3 cm has a very significant difference of 20.1 cm

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Cara Mengutip
Nurhajawarsi, Elmiany, W., Towolioe, S., Ainuddin, A., Astuty, & Suci, I. A. (2024). DARI PADI UNTUK PADI (Pupuk Biosilika dari Limbah Sekam Padi untuk Pertumbuhan Padi). Jurnal Agrosains Universitas Panca Bhakti, 17(1), 64–69. https://doi.org/10.54035/agrosains.v17i1.469


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