Analisis Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah Di Desa Lamoanak Kecamatan Menjalin Kabupaten Landak
Kata Kunci:
Income, Paddy Rice, FarmerAbstrak
Lamoanak Vilage has relatively low potential for agricultural land, especial for the development of paddy fields. Because most of the crops produced are usually consumend as food and some are sold with the aim of increasing family income. The size of the rice farming income received by residents in lamoanak Village is influenced by land area, capital, and labor. The purpose of this study was to find out how muchthe income of paddy rice farmers in lamoanak village, lamoanak sub-district, landak district. In this study, the researcher used a quantitave descriptive research type, because the data obtained would later be in the form of numbers. The numbers obtained will be explained further in the data aanalysis. And there are also data sources used, namely primary data and secondary data. The population in this study were rice farmers in lamoanak Village, totaling 390 people. The determination of the sample was carried out randomly (simple random sampling). By taking 10% of the total population 39 respondents were obtained as a sample. According to (Arikunto, 2006) regarding the sampling technique, if the total population is less than 100%, it should be teken entirely. However, if the population is more than 100, it can be teken between 10-15%, or 20-25%. Theaverage total cost incurred by respondent farmers is Rp. 13,148,947.35/MT. The average income in lamoanak village, menjalin district, landak regency is IDR 16.649.744/MT, and the average income per month is IDR 5.549.915/MT. The average income is IDR 3.627,883/MT, while the UMR in menjalin district is IDR 2.767.310,14.
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