Adopsi Inovasi Penerapan Teknologi Fermentasi Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Di Desa Entikong Kecamatan Entikong Kabupaten Sanggau
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Adopsi, Inovasi, Fermentasi Biji KakaoAbstrak
Entikong Village is the second largest cocoa producer in Entikong District and has a maximum number of farmers of 95 people, producing 54 tons of cocoa with a planting area of 361 Ha, the price of cocoa beans at the farm level in 2022 is IDR 17,000 per kg for cocoa type A , IDR 16,000 per kg for type B cocoa and IDR 19,000 per kg for fermented cocoa. The goal to be achieved from this research is to find out the response of farmers to the adoption of innovations in the application of cocoa bean fermentation technology in Entikong Village, Entikong District, Sanggau Regency. The population of cocoa farmers in Entikong Village, Entikong District, Sanggau Regency is 95 people. Determining the sample to be taken is 50% of the total population, then the number of samples of cocoa farmers in Entikong District is 95 x 50% = 47.5, the number of samples of cocoa farmers is rounded up to 48 farmers in Entikong Village. The results of the analysis of the Relative Advantage variable obtained an average score of 118.50 in the Disagree category. The results of the analysis of the Conformity variable obtained an average of 128.47 in the Agree category. The results of the analysis of the complexity variable obtained an average score of 121.38 with the disagree category. The results of the analysis of the possibility variable to try to obtain an average score of 155.00 by doing the agree category. The results of the easy-to-observe variable analysis obtained an average score of 147.60 in the agree category. Results Perception of farmers who apply cocoa bean fermentation technology obtains an average score of 28.13 in the agree category. The results of the Perception analysis of farmers who did not apply cocoa bean fermentation technology obtained an average total score of 105.05 in the agree category. The results of the analysis of farmers' responses to Adoption of Innovation obtained an average total score of 134.19 which is included in the score range of 122-158 with the agree category. The highest score is in the variable "Possibility to try" with an average total score of 155.00 which is included in the Agree category. While the lowest total score is found in the "Relative Advantage" variable with an average total score of 118.50 which is included in the Disagree category.
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