Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Pada Umkm Kripik Mak Ros (Studi Kasus di UMKM Kripik Mak Ros)
Kata Kunci:
Marketing Mix StrategyAbstrak
The business, which was founded in 2017 to coincide with August 17, now has two branches outside of Pontianak City, namely one branch in Singkawang City and another branch in Ketapang City. The sales system for UMKM Kripik Mak Ros products is carried out by direct selling to consumers. This study aims to determine the 4P marketing mix strategy (product, price, place, and promotion) carried out at UMKM Kripik Mak Ros in West Pontianak District. The results showed that (1) Based on the results of the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) analysis, the total strength score was 3.54 and the total weakness score was -2.82, therefore the internal strategy value was 0.72. This means that the strength of UMKM Kripik Mak Ros, which is located at Jalan Commodore Yos Sudarso Gang Duku 2, can overcome various weaknesses. (2) Based on the results of the external factor analysis summary (EFAS) analysis, a total opportunity score of 3.40 and a total threat score of - 2.56 result in an external strategy value of 0.85. This means that the strength possessed by UMKM Kripik Mak Ros, which is located at Jalan Commodore Yos Sudarso Gang Duku 2, can respond to opportunities and minimize threats. (3) UMKM Kripik Mak Ros, which is located at Jalan Commodore Yos Sudarso Gang Duku 2, West Pontianak District, is at the point (0.72:0.85) Quadrant I shows the results of the x and y axes (positive, positive). This position indicates a profitable one. By continuing to have a good marketing mix strategy, you can increase production. To increase production, there is an SO strategy that uses the power to improve product quality to take advantage of the opportunitiesthat exist. (4) The marketing mix of UMKM Kripik Mak Ros, which is located at Jalan Commodore Yos Sudarso Gang Duku 2, obtains an average total score of 45.00, which is included in the classification of agreeing. This means that the overall average value of the marketing mix, which consists of product, price, distribution, and promotion, can be accepted by consumers so that it is stated in the agreed classification.
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