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The content of C / N ratio, cellulose and lignin are high on rice straw are barriers that need to be addressed in the decomposition of rice straw. The use of cellulolytic fungal decomposers such an effort could be done to speed up the reform process and improve the quality of organic fertilizer produced. Besides having the ability as decomposers cellulolytic fungus (Trichoderma sp and Aspergillus sp) also have the capacity inhibits the growth of nuisance organisms (pathogens) or as a biocontrol agent crop. The purpose of this study was to obtain fungal isolates were effective in decomposing rice straw and produce quality organic fertilizer. The study also is testing the effectiveness of fungal isolates cellulolitic (Trichoderma sp and Aspergillus sp) as decomposers of rice straw either singly or together in the produce quality organic fertilizer. Research conducted on Biological Laboratories Agency (APH) BPTP Plantation Crop Protection Pontianak and Home Compost Faculty of Agriculture UPB. This research resulted in the following: 1) The content of nutrients initial composition of the compost treatment K1 (rice straw: bran: chicken manure = 2: 1: 1) have a nutrient content better than the composition of K2 and K3 Where containing nutrients N , P, K, Ca and Mg were higher with the C / N is low. 2) The treatment D2K1 showed a drop in temperature faster, more rapid weight loss and color change color faster towards a darker direction. 3) Results of analysis of variance showed no interaction of treatment type and composition of the material decomposers no real effect on all variable chemical properties. 4) Treatment of the material composition and type of decomposers singly real effect on all variable chemical properties of compost. 5) The composition of the K1 treatment gives the best results on the chemical nature of the compost produced. 6) Treatment of decomposers D2 give the best results on the chemical nature of the compost produced. 7) The proliferation of decomposers fungi Aspergillus produce more many fungal spores than Trichorderma sp.
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