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This study aims to determine the marketing margin and margin share of subsidized fertilizer in District Sanggau Ledo Bengkayang. The results showed that the marketing margin for urea fertilizer from the manufacturer to the distributor of Rp 100 / kg, from distributors to retailers to Rp 200 / kg with a profit of Rp 100 / kg and marketing margin of retailers to farmer groups Rp 150 / kg. Share margin that occurs between a manufacturer and distributor of 82.93%, between the distributors and retailers amounted to 92.68% and the retailer to farmer groups amounted to 100%. For SP-36 fertilizer marketing margins from manufacturer to distributor to Rp 200 / kg, from retailer to farmer groups Rp 200 / kg and from farmer to farmer groups Rp 150 / kg. Share margin that occurs between a manufacturer and distributor of 83.72%, between the distributors and retailers amounted to 93.02% and the retailer to farmer groups amounted to 100%. For NPK fertilizers, marketing margins from manufacturer to distributor Rp 100 / kg, from retailer to farmer groups Rp 200 / kg and from farmer to farmer groups Rp 150 / kg. Share margin that occurs between a manufacturer and distributor of 78.79%, between the distributors and retailers amounted to 90.90% and the retailer to farmer groups amounted to 100%.
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