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Sri Rahayu
F Tamtomo


Developing food crops is an important thing to be done, including an increase in sweet potato production. Sweet potato production is still very low on average between 8.5 -10 tons / ha, while the potential results are able to achieve between 25-35 tons / ha. To increase farmers' production generally provides a high dose of fertilizer in sweet potato crops, resulting in higher production costs and inefficient. The use of natural organic fertilizer by using rice straw decomposed by micro organisms Local (MOL) is an alternative to increase the output and efficiency of the sweet potato crop fertilization. For that we need to know the optimum dose of organic fertilizer in this case rice straw compost is decomposed by MOL bongol bananas combined with fertilizer N, P, K and increase the production and efficiency of plant fertilization yams. Research conducted experiments gardens Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP), West Kalimantan Province IX Pal Di Desa Sungai Kubu Raya snapper. Penelititian time will be held in April to October 2016. The research design used using a randomized block design (RAK) with two factors, first factor is the dose Compost (D) which terdirir of 4 levels, namely: D1 = 0.6 kg / plot (5 ton / ha), D2 = 1.2 kg / plot (10 tons / ha), D3 = 1.8 kg / plot (15 ton / ha), D4 = 2.4 kg / plot (20 ton / ha ). The second factor is dosage fertilizer N, P, K (P) consisting of 3 levels: P1 = urea 7.5 g / plot, SP36 2 g / plot, KCl 7 g / plot, P2 = urea 15 g / plot, SP36 4g / plot, KCl 14 g / plot, P3 = urea 12.5 g / plot, SP36 6 g / plot, KCl 42 g / plot. The parameters observed in this study were (1) The length of the Main Stem (cm), (2) Number of Branches (branches), (3) Number of leaves (leaf), (4) The number of tubers per plant (bulb). (5) The weight of tubers per plant (g) (6) Weight Bulbs Per Petak (kg). From observations of the growth of yams at the age of 8 weeks after planting and crop yield at harvest is known that the interaction of rice straw compost dose and dose of fertilizer N, P, K significantly affect on all the variables growth and production of sweet potato. Taraf D4P3 treatment gives the best result in the variable observation 140.67 cm stem length, number of branches 26.96 branches, number of leaves 465.56 strands, weight 603.95 g tubers per plant and tuber weight per plot 6,90 kg.

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
Rahayu, S., & Tamtomo, F. (2016). EFEKTIVITAS MIKRO ORGANISME LOKAL (MOL) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS KOMPOS, PRODUKSI DAN EFISIENSI PEMUPUKAN N,P,K PADA TANAMAN UBI JALAR (Ipomoea batatas L.). Jurnal Agrosains Universitas Panca Bhakti, 13(02). Diambil dari https://jurnal.upb.ac.id/index.php/agrosains/article/view/234


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