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Orange processing waste, especially the peel, is the source of food fiber and pectin production material. Pectin is one of hydrokoloid materials within the group of carbohydrate which can be utilized as one of the ingredients to make edible films. This research aims to discover the precise combination of pectin from the waste of Pontianak orange peel and glycerol to produce edible films with good physical and mechanical characteristic. This research employs random group design with two factors, namely pectin concentrate and glycerol concentrate. Each factor consists of three levels to acquire nine combinations of treatments. The observation and analysis on quantitative data employs analysis of variance (ANOVA) to observe the difference between treatments. If the difference between treatments is observable, DMRT 5% test will be commenced. The result shows that the best edible film can be acquired by adding 2% m/v pectin, with thickness at 0.084 mm, elongation percentage at 4.6%, and tensile strenght at 1.01 MPa. The best increase of glycerol is 3%, which resulted in edible films with thickness at 0.09mm, elongation percentage at 3.1%, and tensile strenght at 1.12 MPa.
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