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This research is to determine the feasibility of cultivating lowland rice of the Ciliwung variety in Antan Hamlet, Antan Rayan Village, Ngabang District. The research object is farmers who cultivate the Ciliwung variety of lowland rice in Antan Hamlet during one planting season (MT). The sample used was 38 farmers. From the results of this research, the average variable cost is IDR 2,343,315/MT, the average fixed cost is IDR 178,344/MT. Total cost is IDR 2,605,501/MT. The average farming income is IDR 12,735,789/MT with a rice selling price of IDR 12,000/Kg and the average rice production yield is 1061,315 Kg per farmer. The average income from lowland rice farming of the Ciliwung rice variety in Antan Hamlet, Antan Rayan Village is IDR 10,130,288/MT. If converted for 1 MT, the average income obtained from cultivating Ciliwung variety rice is IDR 1,688,381/month.
The R/C results concluded that Ciwung variety rice farming in Antan Hamlet, Antan Rayan Village is profitable and feasible to implement because the R/C Ratio value is > 1, namely 4.88 > 1. This conclusion is in accordance with the decision criteria, namely if the R/C Ratio > 1 a farming business will experience a profit (worth trying). The R/C ratio value also shows that every Rp. 1 cost incurred to cultivate the Ciherang variety of rice in Antan Hamlet, Antan Rayan Village will receive a revenue of IDR. 4.88.
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