Pemanfaatan Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan NPK Mutiara Terhadap Hasil Kembang Kol (Brassica oleraceae var.botrytis L.)

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Setiawan Setiawan
Sri Rahayu
Ida Ayu Suci
Moses Tosu


This research aims to determine the effect of the interaction of chicken manure and Mutiara NPK on the growth and yield of cauliflower plants (Brassica oleraceae var. botrytis L.) on peat soil. This research was carried out in the garden of the West Pontianak District Agricultural Extension Center Jl. Berdikari Jl. Bukit Batu, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan. with a height of 1-2 meters above sea level. This research will take place from November 28, 2022 to January 19, 2023. The design used in this research was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is chicken manure with code A with 3 treatment levels, namely: a1 (40 g), a2 (80 g) and a3 (120 g). The second factor is providing NPK Mutiara with a code (N) as many as 3 treatment levels: n1 (1g) n2 (2g) and n3 (3g). Each treatment was repeated 3 times and each replication consisted of 3 plants. The variables observed in the research were plant height (cm), root volume (ml) fruit diameter (cm) and fruit weight (grams). The research results showed that there was no interaction between chicken manure and Mutiara NPK on the growth and yield of cauliflower plants seen from all observed variables, as well as the respective effects of Chicken Manure and Mutiara NPK treatments also had no significant effect on all observed variables. The highest mean of the chicken manure and Mutiara NPK treatments was in the a3n3 treatment with plant height (14.56 cm), the highest average plant root volume was in the a2n1 treatment (30.00 ml), the average flower height in the a3n1 treatment was (296, 67 grams) and the highest average flower diameter in the a2n1 treatment (12.67cm).

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Cara Mengutip
Setiawan, S., Rahayu, S., Ayu Suci, I., & Tosu, M. (2023). Pemanfaatan Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan NPK Mutiara Terhadap Hasil Kembang Kol (Brassica oleraceae var.botrytis L.). Jurnal Agrosains Universitas Panca Bhakti, 16(2), 62–70.


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