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Rosalina Yuliana Ayen
Sri Rahayu
Enggi Enggi


This research aimed to determine the effect of the interaction between chicken manure and Biotogrow fertilizer on the growth and yield of cayenne pepper plants in alluvial soil. The study was conducted in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The research encompassed the preparation of the planting media, commencing in January 2023 and concluding in April 2023. The research design employed was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors. The first factor, represented by the code K, included three levels of treatment: K1, with 100 grams/polybag; K2, with 200 grams/polybag; and K3, with 300 grams/polybag. The second factor, represented by the code B, also comprised three levels of treatment: B1, with 2 ml/L water; B2, with 4 ml/L water; and B3, with 6 ml/L water. Observed variables included plant height (cm), the number of branches, the number of fruits, fruit weight (grams), and environmental factors. The research results revealed that there was no significant interaction between chicken manure and Biotogrow fertilizer regarding the growth and yield of cayenne pepper, as assessed by all observed variables. The combination of Biotogrow fertilizer and chicken manure resulted in a fruit weight of 59.12 grams on average per plant for the K1B1 treatment. The K3B2 treatment, on the other hand, exhibited the best plant height results with an average height of 37.22 cm. Additionally, the K3B2 treatment produced the highest average number of fruits per plant, which was 39.78, while the K3B3 treatment yielded the highest average number of branches, at 18.78.

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How to Cite
Yuliana Ayen, R., Rahayu, S., & Enggi, E. (2023). PENGARUH PUPUK KANDANG AYAM DAN PUPUK BIOTOGROW TERHADAP HASIL TANAMAN CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescens L.) PADA TANAH ALUVIAL. Jurnal Agrosains, 16(2), 40–48. Retrieved from


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